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Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2002 6:16 pm
by LazyManc
It's a bit of an unfair discussion as it's only Spey on one side and 3 or 4 of us arguing the other, so perhaps that's why it can be frustrating for him.

A forum like this is a much better way of discussing this sort of thing than open conversation because you get time to explain things properly, so if you have any m8s with similar views bring em here and we'll carry on the discussion.

And from reading the bible apparently Noah was 600 years old, and the flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights(Gen 7:17), or for 150 days, it can't quite decide (Gen 7:24, 8:3).

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 9:15 am
by Spey
its not that i dont mind discussing it....its just im not the theory, i only know a bit about it

there is for sure plenty of evidence out there. but i dont have it here to give to you, and i really cba to spend hours finding out where it is

so bleh :twisted:

cant we talk about pokemon instead..its got evolution :shock: and its japanese :x to boot ...bonus

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 10:02 pm
by mr blonde
Wow, this whole conversation has appeared from me just saying "Hello" to you. Wow!

Oh and i have a larger count than Boredatwork now!!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 10:24 pm
by fabian
the thing is the last thing that i said, back on page 2 came allmost strait out the introduction to As phillosiphy of religion. god is not ment to bail us out, but how can he be a loving and just and still put us through all this stuff.
also i believe that god is dead. at the start of the bible - that the first bit for u ignorent people who think that the bible is a collection of diferent stries about jesus, he was all ways talking to moses and all thoes other randoms, now can anyone say that they have had a message direct from god?? only two people in the worl dhave, one was osma and his 9\11 thing and the other is sadam. both of them are the most sane people in the world.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 11:07 am
by Spey
1. why blame god for "putting us through this stuff" this is just shifting the blame from its proper place...mankind, we are to blame for the state of the world...god made it perfect in every way, humans ruined it.

2. messages from god? ive seen people talking about hearing them nearly every day i went to church for the first 17 years of my life.

3. God isnt dead..after what was witnessed in the span of the bible, god then commanded that no-more shall be written in it and then left it to mankind to make up there minds.

myself i am contented to beleive in god as is, from my experiences i beleive he exists, however for some people this isnt enough and they want to "prove" god exists through science (christians and athiests alike)

: thou shalt have no other gods before me
not any other god, money, nor science.... in this day and age science is a replacement for god it seems, some leave there faith with god, others have faith in evolution

the way i see it you make your own mind up on reasons to validate your existance

I put my faith in God, if im wrong...when i die i wont be able to regret it will I ;D

(edit:) also god isnt just loving and caring, he also has great anger and wrath against those who wrong him...after the events of the garden of eden where mankind betrayed him he forsake mankind to its own destiny, then we have the whole jesus thing where he basically has given mankind a second chance to prove itself...seems fair enough to me

the whole beleif in jesus is that he died to forgive mankinds sin..the man did exist, all he asks is that man follows him and accepts his sacrifice, this is the path to heaven...none of this "be good and you'll get into heaven" shit...that doesnt come into it...beleif in jesus and following his teachings is the true message of the bible..personally the facts and means of how we came to be here scientifically is beside the point imo...god may well have created evolution for all we know at this time...but the facts are still not there...but whatever happened i beleive that god was responsible, as i cannot beleive that mankind has come to exist out of random chance and genetic error

i beleive we were designed and created

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 1:23 pm
by fabian
Spey wrote: I put my faith in God, if im wrong...when i die i wont be able to regret it will I ;D

what if islam is right then eh?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 2:34 pm
by rib?
who's islam?

surely you mean aslan, the lion from the wardrobe?

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 11:43 am
by BoredAtWork

Beat that Mr Blonde......