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OpFlash 2

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 4:05 pm
by mid_gen
Got this through in my daily gamespress mailshot :
Codemasters targets three theatres of combat for Operation Flashpoint 2, the sequel to the revolutionary military simulator.
Codemasters today reveals that Operation Flashpoint 2, the sequel to the internationally acclaimed military action simulator, will feature three different theatres of combat set in environments across Southeast Asia, Central Europe and Africa.

The game's mission-based campaigns will take gamers through fictional conflicts based upon authentic events during the years around 1970.

Operation Flashpoint 2 is now in design and development at Bohemia Interactive Studio, the Prague-based creators of the original, and will be published by Codemasters late in 2004 for PC.

Set to advance and expand on the groundbreaking squad-based gameplay of the original, Operation Flashpoint 2 will set a new standard in its realistic portrayal of conflict situations where, for the player and his squads, everything happens for real.

Marek Spanel, the Project Leader for Operation Flashpoint 2 at Bohemia Interactive Studio says:

"We want to create a game set in realistic theatres but not tied to any single historical event. The theatres selected for Operation Flashpoint 2 will provide for a great variety of combat environments and draw players into a thoroughly believable experience where every element of tactical combat is important."

It's also revealed that an important part of the main campaign will focus on events from the Vietnam war in late 60s, when US forces in South Vietnam numbered over half a million. Missions will see players engaging in solo action, commanding a squad, driving military vehicles, or taking to the air in authentic 'copters and planes. Weapons and military and civilian mobile units are being accurately modelled from period military data.

Taking players as close to the war experience as they'll want to get, Operation Flashpoint 2 will continue the series' reputation as the ultimate military action game when it launches late in 2004. Gamers can now register their interest in the project and sign-up for development updates online at:

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 5:23 pm
by PeteTheHair
Joy, more marathon simulation :)

Sorry, but I never really saw the attraction of OpFlash, especially with the release-time multiplayer maps. Even in single player it blew a bit...

BF1942 has this stitched up, really... did pretty much everything OpFlash set out to do, but it looked better and was generally a hell of a lot more fun. Though I've not played it much, Desert Combat seems to literally give a good version of OpFlash.

IMHO, of course ;)

Cue people ranting about how good OpFlash actually was.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 5:36 pm
by mid_gen
I never really got into single player, but a well orchestrated mp game is class.

I just hope OpF2 is a lot more polished than the last one. Collision detection was ropey and the whole engine just felt a bit flaky.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 5:44 pm
by shrek
PeteTheHair wrote:Joy, more marathon simulation :)

Sorry, but I never really saw the attraction of OpFlash, especially with the release-time multiplayer maps. Even in single player it blew a bit...
Yeah I never saw the attraction of OpFlash myself, I just found it a tad boring really.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 5:57 pm
by rib?
if battlefield had the oneshotonekill style of operation flashpoint where you know that if you get hit your dead then it would be complete...


Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 7:01 pm
by mid_gen
Anyone know anything about bf modding? :)

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:58 am
by eclipse
rib? wrote:if battlefield had the oneshotonekill style of operation flashpoint where you know that if you get hit your dead then it would be complete...

operation flashpoint was more "real" that was it's attraction for me.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:38 pm
by PeteTheHair
eclipse wrote:operation flashpoint was more "real" that was it's attraction for me.
Yeah, but real generally = quite tedious :) Yes, real soldiers have to run for miles in a combat mission, but when your doing it for "fun", it gets less interesting :)

I'm all for realism in a game if it enhances the game (flight sims, racing, whatever), but there is a sensible limit... Running for 10 minutes to get into the action in a LAN game is a far way past that limit

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 9:36 am
by rib?
as is cowering on the floor after you've heard a gunshot whizz past yer head :)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 3:14 pm
by LazyManc
Flashpoint just had something about it that was cool, I think the realism added to the game personally. Having huge maps allows for some tactical manoeuvring that you dont get in Battlefield and dying means something because you know its a hell of a trek back when you respawn.

The graphics might have been shoddy, the controls a bit wierd, but I think its still a classic game. Battlefield still feels more like a game than a war sim, which is fine if you're after a quick blast, but it kind of takes away from the whole epic feel.

Both games are excellent, but I don't think it's fair to say "[Battlefield] did pretty much everything OpFlash set out to do" cause it doesnt have the same scale or non-linear-ness (if thats even a word :))

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 9:09 pm
by Spey
opflash is less of a "game" as such and works better as part of set peice simulations, nearly every lan we have we play it, most times we design a scenario in a matter of 20-30 mins before hand or we play some of the rather fabulous mods like CTI (vehicle factories, no more running woes :D )

battlefield is a fun game but its a different ball game really, the constant mash of respawning people in a set area, opflash scenarios are usually non respawnable and are far vaster than the mission area. agreed tho the vanilla opflash multi out of the box with the pre-designed player-vs-player maps was pretty dull, but nothing can beat the co-op missions. i think thats where opf's strength lies team based co-operative missions i think we have completed all but 2 of the vanilla co-ops the remaining 2 requiring probably in excess of 10 players to actually be able to pull off (our small 4-6 player lans never has enough manpower to take an entire city swarming with tanks and inf :D )

its a bit like comparing flight sim and (blah anyone know any NON-sim flight games?) or total war and warcraft... some games are designed for fun, others designed for realism, depends what rocks your boat really :/