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New IRC quotes...

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:54 pm
by PeteTheHair
I'm sorry, but I had ot start a new one. No collapsing as the last one did, or I'll hunt you all down and do nasty things. Kind of.

To start then, a demonstration of how much crap people talk in our chan...

[21:52] <@Chief|peteVPN> wtf is pete?
[21:52] <@Chief|peteVPN> err
[21:52] <@Chief|peteVPN> midgen
[21:52] <@Chief|peteVPN> wtf is midgen
[21:52] <@Chief|peteVPN> why did i say pete?
[21:52] <@PeteTheHair> monkeys?
[21:52] <GlimmerMan^> middy
[21:52] <GlimmerMan^> oh middy
[21:52] <GlimmerMan^> come ere
[21:52] <army> here middy middy middy..
[21:52] <@Chief|peteVPN> where art thou middeh
[21:52] <@PeteTheHair> rofl
[21:52] <army> here boy
[21:52] <army> HEEL!
[21:52] <army> BAD MIDDEH!
[21:52] <+Shrek`> lol
[21:52] <GlimmerMan^> [21:43.36] *** mid_gen has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[21:53] <GlimmerMan^> nearly 10 minutes

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:56 pm
by PeteTheHair
And minutes later...

[21:54] <@PeteTheHair> ... =3357#3357
[21:54] <@PeteTheHair> you people talk a lot of crap ;)
[21:55] <@Chief|peteVPN> lol
[21:55] <GlimmerMan^> yeah well its better than licking a lot of crap!

insomnia? i think so!

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 9:16 am
by ZiK
having problems sleeping mid? or just getting pissed till the early hours of the morning? :)

[04:04] <@mid_gen> oh oh-oh-oh ohhhhhh
[04:04] <@mid_gen> ohhhhha ohhhha
[04:04] <@mid_gen> video killed the radio star
[04:04] <@mid_gen> video killed the radio star
[04:04] <@mid_gen> in my mind and in my hearyt
[04:04] <@mid_gen> #we cant rewind we've come too far
[04:04] <@mid_gen> oh oh oh oh oohhhhh=
[04:04] <@mid_gen> ...
[04:04] <@mid_gen> oh you need to push yourself harder!
[04:04] <@mid_gen> give it your best
[04:05] <@mid_gen> we're gonna be so gooooood
[04:05] <@mid_gen> word upppp
[04:05] <@mid_gen> like a dreammmmm
[04:05] <@mid_gen> it took all the strnegth I hadddd
[04:05] <@mid_gen> it took all the strenght I had not to fall apart
[04:05] <@mid_gen> and I flew oh oh so many haeart
[04:05] <@mid_gen> I used to cry
[04:06] <@mid_gen> now I gold my hed up high
[04:06] <@mid_gen> I'm still in love with you
[04:06] <@mid_gen> expect me to
[04:06] <@mid_gen> someone who's loving me
[04:06] <@mid_gen> wlak out the door
[04:06] <@mid_gen> turn around now
[04:06] <@mid_gen> you'r e not welcome amnymore
[04:06] <@mid_gen> you thinkg I'd crumble
[04:06] <@mid_gen> oh no not i
[04:06] <@mid_gen> Iwill survive
[04:06] <@mid_gen> as long as I know how to survie
[04:06] <@mid_gen> I w ill survuvvvvveee
[04:06] <@mid_gen> ohhhh
[04:06] <@mid_gen> now go
[04:06] <@mid_gen> walk out the door
[04:07] <@mid_gen> just rurn around now
[04:07] <@mid_gen> your'e not wlcome anymore wherent you tht eone
[04:15] <@mid_gen> I thank you
[04:15] <@mid_gen> good night
[04:15] * mid_gen has quit IRC

oh dear ZiK

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:30 pm
by Sharpe
* ZiK` is now known as ZikTheHair
<Stunty|laptop> nasty thought then
<Stunty|laptop> petethehair and ZiKthehair.... i can see where this might end up
<PeteTheHair> monkeys?
<PeteTheHair> hang on...
<Stunty|laptop> lol
<PeteTheHair> That's copyrighted that is!!!
<PeteTheHair> OI!!!
<Stunty|laptop> hahahah
<PeteTheHair> The temptation to kickban is outrageous
<PeteTheHair> the bastard

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:43 pm
by ZiK
pah! i just wanted to inform everyone that i was washing my hair :)

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:18 pm
by rib?
why? you want us to document it on video :)

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 9:17 pm
by eclipse
eat glimmer! eat your way through that box! wooo.

[20:46] <GlimmerMan> the bellend remark was aimed at zik0r
[20:46] <ZiK`> doi
[20:46] <GlimmerMan> go and fill shelfs with cheesy poofs
[20:46] <ZiK`> not my job cunt :)
[20:46] <GlimmerMan> i only have one packet left :/
[20:46] <ekuripuzu> lol
[20:47] <GlimmerMan> and i think im about to open it
[20:47] <Stunty|Laptop> eat the beef cake then
[20:47] <ZiK`> i give the poofs to people and say oi put it out
[20:47] <ZiK`> would you like to order a BOX?
[20:47] <ZiK`> i might be able to arrange it ;))
[20:47] <GlimmerMan> oooooooooooo
[20:47] <GlimmerMan> a box!
[20:47] <Shrek`> lol
[20:47] <ZiK`> they are huge boxes
[20:47] <GlimmerMan> *drools*
[20:47] <Shrek`> how many packets?
[20:47] <ZiK`> packets of what?
[20:47] * army has quit IRC (<Luggage> i have a boner right now in face)
[20:48] <ZiK`> its just a box?
[20:48] <ZiK`> :))
[20:48] <ZiK`> nah, i good few ;)
[20:48] <ekuripuzu> lol
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> how big is the box?
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> could i swim in the cheesy poofs?
[20:48] <ZiK`> as big as the box that your iiyama monitor came in
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> thats a big box
[20:48] <ZiK`> if not bigger
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> but i can;t swim in that :(
[20:48] <ZiK`> thats cause you are a fat ass
[20:48] <ZiK`> :P
[20:48] <Shrek`> lol
[20:48] <ekuripuzu> lol
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> oi
[20:48] <ZiK`> lol
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> im not fat
[20:48] <ZiK`> you're big boned
[20:48] <GlimmerMan> i just have a different life choice
[20:48] <ZiK`> ;)
[20:49] <ZiK`> lol
[20:49] <Shrek`> lol
[20:49] <ekuripuzu> lol
[20:49] <ZiK`> i'm festivly plump :)
[20:49] <GlimmerMan> tolerance kicks ass :)

ZiK likes to milk people ;)

[20:59] <Stunty|Laptop> you saying you want ZiK to milk you?
[20:59] <ZiK`> 8\
[21:00] <GlimmerMan> prolly
[21:00] <GlimmerMan> :/
[21:00] <GlimmerMan> :\
[21:00] <Stunty|Laptop> lol
[21:00] <GlimmerMan> i see no denials from zik :/
[21:01] <ZiK`> you want me to milk you?
[21:01] <ZiK`> ok

the new chinese hard disk

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:05 pm
by ZiK
[22:04] <eclipse`> i don't have hard drives. i just keep 30 chinese teenagers in my basement and force them to memorize numbers
[22:04] <+ZiK`> lol
[22:04] <+ZiK`> IDE?
[22:04] <+ZiK`> or SCSI?
[22:04] <eclipse`> SCSI
[22:04] <+ZiK`> sweet
[22:04] <+ZiK`> i won't ask where it plugs in
[22:04] * rib has joined #shotgunlan
[22:04] * Q sets mode: +v rib
[22:04] <eclipse`> yeah don't

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:41 pm
by rib?
<eclipse`> and everybody say...
<rib> hurrah, im winning in ebay
<eclipse`> yatta!!
<eclipse`> yatta!! yatta!! yatta!! yatta!!
<mid_gen> I should kickban you two for distributing softcore gay porn
<ZiK`> lol
<eclipse`> lol
<ZiK`> its a japanese music single!
<mid_gen> it may be 'japanese' and 'cool'
<Speykumi> you know your watching it middy
<mid_gen> but it's outrageously homosexual
<Speykumi> YATTA!!!
<ZiK`> lol
<eclipse`> omfg
<eclipse`> there's a #yatta
<rib> lets all join

*** Now talking in #yatta
*** Topic is ' [|[|[]|]|] ·:· | Need 2vs2 | Recrut: On | Match : 6/6 Win ·:· [|[|[]|]|]'
*** Set by []Usagi on Thu Mar 06 22:24:27
-L- [#yatta] [ Bienvenue sur le Channel des -# Yatta ! ]
*** []Usagi sets mode: +v rib
<rib> YATTA!
<Speykumi> one way to find out
*** mid_gen has joined #yatta
<ZiK`> yatta?!
*** []Usagi sets mode: +v mid_gen
<Speykumi> YATTA!!!!!
<ZiK`> YATTA!!!!!!
<eclipse`> and everybody say...
<mid_gen> is this the outrageously homosexual japanese music video fanclub?
<eclipse`> yatta!!
<Speykumi> YATTA!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 9:23 am
by rib?
name and shame baby - 09:18 in the morning

<rib> oh mines legal...
<rib> in cuba
* Dan^sleep np: Heather Brooke first ass fuck xxx mpg mpeg avi divx lolita porn teen ( get AMIP v2.25 plug-in at )
<rib> :)
<PeteTheHair> rofl
<PeteTheHair> erm, right...
*** Dan^sleep was kicked by PeteTheHair (Out!)
<rib> wonder if he didnt kno he had that running :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 9:32 pm
by Spey
[10:32] <DjArcas-Coding> listerine is like swishing battery acid around in your mouth
[10:33] <ZiK`> nah man battery acid is more of an aquired taste :)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:15 pm
by PeteTheHair
Chief's such a strong character... Takes a lot to persuade him to anything...

[18:00] <PeteTheHair> Chiefeh - you about tonight?
[18:03] <Chiefeh> err
[18:03] <Chiefeh> can be
[18:03] <Chiefeh> sup?
[18:04] <PeteTheHair> beer?
[18:04] <Chiefeh> oh. hmm. perhaps. yes :)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 10:56 pm
by Chief
bah. cheaky bastard !

no im not easily swa..... beer you say? ok!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 12:28 am
by ZiK
[01:22] <+spey> its like marmite
[01:22] <+GlimmerMan> do you not need sleep?
[01:22] <+ZzZzZiK`> im eating
[01:22] <+GlimmerMan> marshite
[01:22] <+GlimmerMan> at 1:20
[01:22] <+GlimmerMan> fat as
[01:22] <+GlimmerMan> fat ass
[01:22] <+ZzZzZiK`> and reading your shit
[01:22] <+spey> marmite is lovley
[01:22] <+spey> star trek is for geeks
[01:22] <+spey> i have spoken
[01:22] <+GlimmerMan> marmite is the devil's ass juice
[01:22] <+ZzZzZiK`> just a twix glimmer
[01:22] <+ZzZzZiK`> and a kitkat
[01:23] <+GlimmerMan> my brother will be home soon
[01:23] <+ZzZzZiK`> and some apple juice
[01:23] <+GlimmerMan> he's bring me burgers :D
[01:23] <+spey> chocolate gives you herpes
[01:23] <+ZzZzZiK`> bitch!!
[01:23] <+ZzZzZiK`> i want some!!
[01:23] <+GlimmerMan> half lber and chips
[01:23] <+GlimmerMan> mmmmmmmmmmmm
[01:23] <+spey> half pounder
[01:23] <+spey> wtf
[01:23] <+ZzZzZiK`> lol devils ass juice!!
[01:23] <+ZzZzZiK`> :D
[01:23] <+GlimmerMan> tis true tho
[01:23] <+ZzZzZiK`> it so is
[01:23] <+spey> id eat the devils ass gladly
[01:24] <+ZzZzZiK`> lol
[01:24] <+spey> if thats the case
[01:24] <+GlimmerMan> i thought you did?
[01:24] <+GlimmerMan> ;)
[01:24] <+spey> dip some soldiers in it
[01:24] <+spey> mm MM
[01:24] <+ZzZzZiK`> lol
[01:24] <+spey> what a treat
[01:24] <+ZzZzZiK`> your little soldier?
[01:24] <+GlimmerMan> lol
[01:24] <+GlimmerMan> loo
[01:24] <+GlimmerMan> l
[01:24] <+ZzZzZiK`> ROFL
[01:24] * +spey looks at zik and glim with "marmite" all over his face and says "what"
[01:25] <+ZzZzZiK`> LOL
[01:25] <+ZzZzZiK`> what about your soldier?
[01:25] <+ZzZzZiK`> lets take a look
[01:25] <+ZzZzZiK`> what you been up to ;)
[01:25] <+spey> he is on parade
[01:25] <+spey> ...
[01:25] <+spey> glim has gone silent
[01:26] <+spey> silent but for a *fap fap* anyway
[01:26] <+ZzZzZiK`> he got an image of you
[01:26] <+ZzZzZiK`> with marmite on your member
[01:26] <+spey> uuuunf

/me tries to contain his laughter......

hmm, you might have had to be there :)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 2:30 pm
by Chief
<PeteTheHair> \quit
* PeteTheHair has quit IRC (Quit: Client Exiting)
<Sharpe|Laptop> lol
<Chiefeh> lol

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:41 pm
by PeteTheHair
[21:39] <+ZiK`> you are clumpy?
[21:39] <+Sgt_Harper> yes
[21:40] <+Sgt_Harper> i am clumpy!

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 3:16 pm
by Sharpe
Lies all lies :P :P :P :P

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 8:39 pm
by Sharpe
[21:37] <DjArcas> Spey - the man who gets all the cock he wants
[21:37] <DjArcas> teehee
[21:37] <ZiK`> heheeh
[21:38] * spey bites a video cassette and makes a zany face
[21:38] <Sharpe|Laptop> lmao

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:56 pm
by Sharpe
[22:54] <Sharpe|Laptop> Mid are you ever nice to anyone? :/
[22:54] <DjArcas> He's nice for money.
[22:54] <Sharpe|Laptop> i see
[22:54] <mid|afk> I am sometimes
[22:54] * Sharpe|Laptop hands mid 1p
[22:54] <mid|afk> I wub j00
[22:54] <Sharpe|Laptop> lol
[22:54] <mid|afk> time for zzzz
[22:54] * ZiK` hands mid 2p
[22:54] <mid|afk> g'nite
[22:55] <ZiK`> just a quicky ;)
[22:55] * mid|afk wubs ZiK` too
[22:55] * mid|afk has quit IRC (Signed off)
[22:55] <ZiK`> awww :(
[22:55] <ZiK`> i wanted him to wub me long time

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 6:59 pm
by Chief
<[bitch]rib|bf19> lo?
<Kambei> incorrect
<Kambei> the correct answer to what is a moon of jupiter is
<Kambei> IO

i see we are gonna have fun with this one...